Vimdrones Drone Light Show Reading
When you receive the package
- Please check the goods if there are any missing items according to the packing list.
- Please check the goods if they are in good condition.
Preparation for the flight test
Please set up the RTK base and the router system indoors. Keep RTK Base as close to the window as possible so that it can receive some satellite signals.
Open the GCS to check if the RTK base is connected. Then open the drone to check if it is online. You will see the Wifi Channel and Radio Return is On. RTCM has the data 1 Hz. That means the connection of the drone is good.
If all is OK. You could move to the outside to do the flight test.
More details: -
Please prepare the design file. You could use your own design. If you are not sure whether the design is suitable, please send it to us for inspection. Also, you could use our test file.
Design File: -
Charge the batteries before the flight test. The initial state of the battery is 7.6V. It will take 1.5-2h to be fully charged the batteries. A fully charged battery is 8.7V. There is a Battery voltage tester among our accessories. You can use it to measure the voltage of the battery. During the flight, if the battery voltage is lower than 7.2V, the drone will automatically return to the original take-off position (RTL).
More details:
During the flight test
- Try to find an open area to perform the flight test. First, Please set up the RTK base and router. Open the GCS to check the connection. Wait for a minute to click the Survey In button. This allows RTK Base to Survey In success faster.
- Please follow our tutorial to test the drones. We recommend you make a flight test on 3 specific drones first(drone No.1 and the other 2 at corners) after you place the drone swarm on the ground. In this way, you will find out whether drones are in the right position after take-off, check whether the design file is correct, and also make sure the whole flight process is correct.
- Before taking off the drones, please check the OverView, LOG SYSTEM if there are any failures.
- Make sure sufficient electricity in power bank before take-off!
- Avoid any disturbance to the RTK base station!
- After taking off, no pedestrians underneath the drone swarm!
- If the drone flies in circles, please perform Magnetic calibration after landed.
Here is the video tutorial: - When you exit the GCS software, please save the log file after every flight.
After the show
After the show is over, please unplug the battery from the drone and store it in a cool place. The battery should be avoided from sunlight and high temperature.
The battery should not be stored in fully charged condition. It is recommended to fully charge the battery before the next flight.
Battery Care Details:
Add more drones to the system
If you are buying our product for the first time, you do not need to configure any drones. We are already configured.
If you purchase the new drones, please do Radio pair and RC Bind. Generally, we will configure the SD cards to be the same as your previous SSID information.
More details:
Tool Download
- QGroundControl(QGC) : Ground Control Station tool for Mazzy Star Drone Link:
- AnyDesk: remote control for technical support Link: